Thursday 16 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 19 September 2024
1- I delivered via c section 10 weeks ago and still have bleeding. Is it considered as nifas or do i have to cleanup everytime and offer prayers. 2- Is sexual intercourse permitted during this time. 3- what is the maximum duration of postpartum bleeding.

Majority of the scholars rule Post Partum bleeding not to exceed 40 days - once 40 days is passed, it is considered false blood and a person may pray, fast and satisfy her biological needs.

The scholars differed as to the maximum extent of nifaas (bleeding following childbirth). The majority of scholars were of the view that it is forty days after giving birth.

Based on this, then for a woman whose bleeding lasts for more than forty days, if this blood coincides with her regular menstrual cycle, then she is menstruating; if it does not coincide with her regular menstrual cycle, then it is the blood of istihaadah (irregular non-menstrual bleeding), so she should do ghusl after forty days, and fast and pray. She is taahir (pure) and comes under the same ruling as other women who are taahir.

Allah knows best