Friday 17 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 20 September 2024
As salaamualaikum shaikh ayaaz. My elder brother has a usual problem of not keeping the wudu due to passing of wind. In all his prayers he has to focus on holding the wudu rather than focusing on prayer . What is the islamic ruling..does he perform wudu again if it breaks in prayer? Please give a detailed explaination which can have a scenario. Jazakallah khairan wa kaseera
Wa'alaykumsalaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatouh

If he has a disease as mentioned, then he need to perform wudhu before each fardh prayer.

However, if his diseases of constantly passing out wind is continuous in his prayer, he may carry on his prayer without breaking it and focus on his prayer. His prayer is valid in shaa Allah because he has a disease and he is exempted in shaa Allah.

If it is not a disease, then he should make sure that he prays at the right moment of time where no wind will be a disturbance to him.

Allah knows best.