Friday 17 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 20 September 2024
As salaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarkaatuhu brother ayaaz hope u r well. We have an intention to get our daughter (2 yrs old) memorize quran before she joins her wordly education. What do you advise on our thought? Also what is the right age to start hifz. Please recommend any good madarsas for quran memorization for daughter. Jazakallah khair
Wa'alaykumssalaam wa rahmatullah wa barakaatouh.

May Allah make it easy in shaa Allah.

As for now, she is 2 years old, you may make her listen and re peat any small surahs - i see her as pretty young to start but still, kids intelligence varies.

IN SHAA ALLAH once she is able to spell and put words together in Arabic, then you may consider start her HIfz with Tajweed in shaa Allah.

As per Dubai, i am aware of JILC who are actually giving online one on one tuitions for Quran kids.

please do get in contact with me and i shall guide you more on it in shaa Allah
00971 50 3402062
