Thursday 16 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 19 September 2024
Asalamualykum. I am asking this question online here because the duaa for Istikhara states that "whoever seeks the advice of the believers will feel confident about his decisions." I am a 17-year-old boy who is seeking guidance on his studies, ultimately leading to his career direction. Currently, I have been studying for about a year at a university which teaches video-game development. Throughout that year, I have been self-studying Islam and grew much closer to Allah SWT to the point where I no longer want to play videogames, watch movies, watch videos that aren't related to Islam; I even gave up my porn addiction, allhumdillah. My outlook on life changed as well. I no longer try to fight or argue with my family when treating me poorly, because I know that while I am struggling now, it will be better for me in the future or in the akhirah. Because of my transformation, I am now in the mindset of "What's the point in creating videogames? How will it benefit me and others? Even if I make Islamic-like videogames, I wouldn't be able to sell. Competition is fierce." To make matters worse, I recently discovered that I am awful in creating videogames. I do not have a technical mindset and now I do not even have the motivation to study up so many technical things; I am way behind my peers in that case. I have been pondering about giving up game study and pursue Islamic studies throughout my year studying games. I feel like I can best work for Islam by offering my analytical skills. However, even though I am debating whether or not to leave games study, I have no clue what exactly I can study in Islam and what qualifications I can get from it and what job I will be going into. This is due to a lack of research. Even if I find the specific uni and the specific course I will be studying, this corona quarantine will not allow me to go anywhere at this point of time. Therefore, I thought about doing an online course - but what qualifications and what sector will I be studying, I do not know. I am asking for guidance to whether or not I should pursue Islamic studies. I am asking for guidance and information on what exactly can I study in Islam, preferably an online course. I will be continuing doing Istikhara prayer and duaa until I get some answers. Jazakallah khair.
Wa'alaykumsalam Wa Rahmatullah.

First of all, we thank Allah for showing you the reality of life before it was too late. Allah has shown you the way and made you a better person.

Indeed creating games will involve you in many things that may bring Allah's wrath such as picture making, music, helping people to waste time knowing that even adults has been addicted to video games nowadays.

If you are speaking about taking up a career in Islam is indeed the best and noble of job. It is a job that will indeed help people get closer to Allah and at the same time, Allah gives you your portion of provision that is written for you regardless of whatever job you would have taken.

Going into Islam faculty, there are loads out there, i can send you one here and you may surf on it in shaa Allah.

You can do Islamic Law, Theologists, propagation, Arabic language etc... loads are there to chose.

Chech this out, apparently the best islamic online website out there.

Shukran brother....