Friday 17 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 20 September 2024
Asalamualykum, Sheikh. An acquaintance I know has been seriously dating a Hong Kong girl, of which recently her parents have found out and emotionally blackmailed the girl to break up with the boy as he is not of the same ethnicity. With this racist viewpoint in mind, is it wrong if the guy decides to marry the girl without her parents' approval, considering he has all the necessary components to take care of her as his spouse? I do not know if he is a Muslim or not, I just want to know if this is an advice I can give to him.
Wa'alaykumsalaam Wa Rahmatullah

Marriage is a relationship that is initiated with the consent of both the parties from the boy and the girl.

However, it is more important from the girl's side and she is in need of a Wali - guardian for the Nikaah to proceed.

If the girl's parents is a non Muslims, then her parents cannot be her Wali, it has to be a Muslim Judge or Imam.

If her parents are Muslims, then they have to sit and discuss about the matter with a religious person and then the father be the Wali and then they get married.

A lady cannot get married unless there is a Wali. A Nikah done without a Wali is rejected in the sight of Allah.

Islam forbids a woman to get married without a wali (guardian), and it regards a marriage contract done without a wali as invalid. A kaafir cannot be the wali of a Muslim woman, so if none of her family are Muslims, then the leader or mufti of the Muslims, or the imam of the Islamic center, should stand in as her wali.

Allah knows best