Thursday 16 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 19 September 2024
Assalaamou'alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakaatouh, Do we need to pay Zakat on gold than women are wearing? Jazaak Allah khair.
Wa'alaykumsalaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatouh

The scholars are agreed that zakaah is obligatory on gold and silver jewellery if it is a kind of adornment that it is haraam to use, or if it is prepared for trading etc. But if it is a permissible kind of jewellery that is intended to be used or loaned, such as a silver ring or women’s jewellery, or things that it is permitted to use to adorn weapons, then there is a difference of scholarly opinion as to whether zakaah is obligatory on these things. Some scholars say that zakaah is obligatory on them because they are included in the general meaning of the aayah (interpretation of the meaning):

“And those who hoard up gold and silver (Al‑Kanz: the money, the Zakaah of which has not been paid) and spend them not in the way of Allaah, announce unto them a painful torment” [al-Tawbah 9:34]

It was narrated by Abu Dawood in his Sunan, al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak and al-Daaraqutni and al-Bayhaqi in their Sunans that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) entered upon me and saw on my hands rings of silver. He said, ‘What is this, O ‘Aa’ishah?’ I said, ‘I had them made so that I could adorn myself for you, O Messenger of Allaah.’ He said, ‘Do you pay zakaah on them?’ I said, ‘No’ or ‘Whatever Allaah wills.’ He said, ‘This would be enough to take you to Hell.’”

(Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2/213, no. 1565 – this version was narrated by him; al-Daaraqutni, 2/105, 106; al-Haakim, 1/389-390; al-Bayhaqi, 4/139)

It was narrated that Umm Salamah said: “I used to wear jewellery of gold, and I said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, is this kanz (money, the Zakaah of which has not been paid, cf. al-Tawbah 9:34)?’ He said, ‘Whatever reaches the amount at which zakaah is obligatory, then pay the zakaah. Then it will not be kanz.’”

(Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2/212-213, no. 1564; al-Daaraqutni, 2/105; al-Haakim, 1/390; al-Bayhaqi, 4/83, 140).

Therefore, the most correct opinion is that Zakaah on jewellery is obligatory, if it reaches the nisaab (amount of wealth at which zakaah becomes obligatory), or if the owner possesses enough gold, silver and trade goods to complete the nisaab – because of the general meaning of the ahaadeeth which state that zakaah is obligatory on gold and silver