Friday 17 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 20 September 2024
Assalam Alaikum My question is a bit long...please dont be terrified by the length I have my period for around 20 days every month... I have known that according to the HANAFI Madhhab We can refrain from fasting, praying, and touching quran for the first 10 days.. But here my question is when can i start praying on the 10th it from Zuhur prayer or should i start counting 50 prayers i.e. 5prayers X 10 days??? ..and lets suppose i got my menses on Monday before Isha prayer...when can i start praying in the next week??? Waiting for your valuable response...And i will be really thankful...coz i am troubling with this situation from many yeaars... Thank you... Jazak Allah Khair
Wa'alaykumsalaam Wa Rahmatullah.

A lady is supposed to pray once she has become pure on the day.

If you have seen your white discharge after Zohr or before Asr , then it means you have to make ghusl and pray Zohr and carry on.

If you have become pure right after Maghrib, then you make ghusl and pray Maghrib and carry on.

Actually there are no specific day for a menstruation cycle, for some people it is 7 days and for some it is 6 or 8 etc ,,,

Once you have seen the white discharge or being dried and no blood, then it means you make take a ghusl and starts your prayer and fasting in shaa Allah.

Allah knows best.