Friday 17 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 20 September 2024
assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh I hope you're in the best health and imaan. My mother Allah yarhama passed away not too long ago due to covid19. From what I have seen her prayers subhan'Allah were not consistent but Allah swt is the all seeing and knows best. I know the first question we will be asked about on the day of judgement day will be about Salah. Subhan'Allah i feel so sad that my mother didn't pray consistently, when she got sick is when i started praying and i have not missed a salah since. What can i do for my mother? I always make duaa to Allah swt to forgive her sins, charity zakat and sadaqah, we are building a masjid and a water well and we will do ummrah/hajj for my mother hoping Allah Swt accepts it all. The thought is always in my head and it makes me sad.... Question 1: What more can I do? Question 2: If a person died from covid19 are they a shaheed? Question 3: I am learning to read Quran, i'm starting from the basics (Arabic alphabets) I want to complete and read the Quran, can i read the English translation and reflect? Would i still be rewarded? Jazakallah khair
Wa'alaykumsalaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa barakaatouh

I ask Allah to forgive and abide your mother in the highest place in Jannah.

alhamdoulillah, whatever you are doing in regards to your mother are authentic and the right things to do and i ask Allah to accept them all.

You may carry making du'a and sadaqa for your mother. Keep asking Allah's forgiveness for her and everyone who passed away.

Yes, it is authentically narrated that when someone passed away from a plague, they are considered a Shaheed, it's all in Allah's hand and we ask Allah to make your mother amongst the Shuhadaa in shaa Allah.

Reading the Quran in Arabic brings the full reward of reading a letter and earn 10 rewards for it.

Reading the Quran in English brings immense rewards but not as much as reading it in Arabic.

But the more you struggle, the more you are rewarded. may Allah make it easy on you.

he Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The one who is skilled in reciting Qur’an will be with the noble, obedient scribes and the one who recites Qur’an and falters therein, and finds it difficult, will have a double reward.”

Narrated by Muslim (798)

Allah knows best