Friday 17 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 20 September 2024
Assalamu aleikom, I try to keep it short. My husband and i were/are have known each other for 6 years, married for 5. we met through my journey to islam. At first he helped me and supported me to learn and everything, then problems and life came between us. A lot of things happened. He prioritised everything else over me and threatened with divorce many times and said it even but later said it was out of anger. I always tried to be patient and understanding and overlooked it. Throughout 2019 he told me so often that he is divorcing me, that i should just wait for the papers and so on, to the point where i lost all hope. I gave up, wallahi. And in that time, i met a guy at my new work which whom i got along well and feelings started to appear, even though everyone including him knew that i was married (still). Shortly after that, out of the blue, my husband came and apologised, blamed everything on the stress and said he didn’t mean to divorce me. We were arguing a lot still but trying to work things out. Stupid as i was, i rubbed under his nose that he us not the only men out there in the world and if he can’t treat me right or give me my rights im done. That’s when he gave me my real 2nd talaq. We reconciled again. So I broke every contact with that other guy and his mother, which was like a mother to me too. Last year, i had a dream that the other guy got married. It was so real and it broke my heart though.. some days after that his mother called me out of the blue and asked me how i was and so on and invited me again. First i found excuses, but she said she needed help and i was the only one here in my area she knew (which was true because they had moved here) my niyah was just to help her and be a good sister/daughter. She told me then that her son really got married. Subhan Allah. I stayed in contact with her and 2 months ago she told me that they will move back to where they lived before, so i wanted to say goodbye and visited her home. My husband found out and gave me my final third talaq. I tried to explain but he doesn’t care. I know that i broke his trust, he even told me that and that i didn’t give him his respect, but i even aborted our baby for him three months before because he broke down mentally and said he would kill hinself if i decided to keep it. How much more proof from my side does he want ?! Anyways, he gave me my third talaq now, and i asked him many times if he really meant it, he said yes. But still, he wants to meet and talk things out and want to reconcile things between us. I really don’t know what to do anymore. I also have no one i know qualified in that topic here in austria. We are also not living together, i live with my father for 3 years now and he hs got his own flat, because he wants it that way. So i really hope you can help insha Allah.
Wa'alaykumsalaam Wa Rahmatullah

I ask Allah to give us all strength and bestow upon us happiness in this world and the next.

As far as the third Talaaq is concerned, then it means that the Talaaq is taken into consideration even after he said he meant it.

What's next to do it to be upon your 'Iddah period which is three menstrual cycles and after that, you may marry again with another man.

If you want to know more about the categories of Talaaq, please visit the site below.

and since you've mentioned that you are from Austria and there may be limited knowledge of Islam, I have several seminars and groups of sisters where i conduct and answer questions and help in different issues. You may e-mail me on and i shall share with you my phone number in shaa Allah where you'll be able to access different Islamic groups and knowledge.
