Friday 17 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 20 September 2024
Assalamualaikoum Sheikh, Can you please advise what is the ruling in regards to regular vaginal discharge? I'm referring to the moist or drops that come out of a woman's vagina even if she is not sexual aroused. This discharge keeps coming throughout the day and is present in most women as per scientific studies. Does this discharge nullify wudhu? And does she need to change her underwear before each prayer? Is there any ruling on this? Jazak Allah Khayr for your advice.

Apology for the delay due to a tech issue.

In regards to the moist fluid you are speaking about - it is as two types. i know you are not referring to the impure or sexual arousement ones.

a) At times, the ‘discharge’ could simply be the natural moisture/sweat of the body. This moisture is produced on the outside, i.e. the vulva, which is naturally a moist organ. This moisture/sweat is pure and does not necessitate Ghusl or Wudu.

b) Another possibility is that it could be actual discharge from the vagina (the part which is penetrated during sexual intercourse). This too is a moist organ because of the glands on the walls which secrete moisture for cleansing and comfort purposes. This “chronic female vaginal discharge” (called rutubat al-farj) is also pure and does not invalidate Wudu unless it is discoloured with blood or Madhy. This discharge is not due to illness and comes out normally and regularly in many women, and is clear white and not discoloured. When possible, it is better to perform Wudu in this case but not necessary.