Friday 17 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 20 September 2024
Assalamualaikum Brother, I am trying to get rid of the act of masturbating but whenever I stop, I do not have a strong reason to stop and shaitan's waswas crumbles my defence. The closest thing I got near to support is the 4 imams saying it is haram but there is no hadith or ayat stating why masturbation is haram. Please help with a strong reason so I can use that to change and preferably before ramadan if possible so I can completely utilise ramadhan.
Wa'alaykumsalaam Wa Rahmatullah.

May Allah make it easy for you to stop the things that may brings His anger.

my brother, i would advice you to check out what Sheikh Salih Al Munajjid spoke about its cure as well.

Please check the link below...

My advice is * Make du'a that Allah gives you the strength to stop it
* Lower your gaze
* Be punctual in your five daily prayers
* If you are at an age of marriage, please do consider.
* Repent to Allah