Thursday 16 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 19 September 2024
Can a woman can give her zakat to her husband?..of gold? With intention,can he give her salary to husband as zakat of her gold ,if he is in debt ?

If the husband is poor and is in need of money or in dept that the lender of the money is asking for the money or else he will be put to the authority, in this case, zakaah can be given to this husband from the wife's wealth.

This is supported from the approval of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he approved Zaynab, the wife of Abdullah ibn Mas'ood.

Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him), that when the Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded the women to give in charity, Zaynab the wife of ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood came to him and said: “O Prophet of Allaah, today you told us to give in charity. I have some jewellery and I want to give it in charity, but Ibn Mas’ood claims that he and his child are more deserving of my charity.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Ibn Mas’ood has spoken the truth. Your husband and child are more deserving of your charity.” [reported by Al Bukhari and Muslim.]

Allah knows best