Thursday 16 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 19 September 2024
I met my husband online and we got to know each other and had our Nikka online by proxy and I was happy at the time, but as time went on I noticed a change in him and his personality has changed. He is now demanding that I change a lot of things in my life and that this marriage is now my jail and I want to have my freedom. And he refuses to give me a divorce and he has started to use emotional blackmail on me and threatened me that if I leave him that Allah will send me to hell. And that he claims that my late father came to him in a dream and told him some things, I feel like that it is another emotional blackmail to keep me. I researched and learned that the wife can divorce her husband after she says I divorce you three times. And also, that marriage by proxy/online are not recognised in the Australian law. He is from Pakistan and I am from Australia. I am unhappy and I want to be set free as I am dying because I have no feelings of love and affection for him anymore. But he is adamant that he wants to keep the marriage going, even if it is against my will. I just want to be free from him and this marriage.
Wa'alaykumsalaam wa rahmatullah wa barakaatouh

I would like you to visit a local Imam in Australia for the issue you are facing, but for now - i can only say that we need to know what are the kinds of issues that is bothering you - there may be things that are Islamically allowed or disallowed from him or from you to understand in a different perspective.

In Islam, a wife is not to be treated in an ill mannered way as she has her rights as a wife too. If there is no way of proceeding towards the marriage, indeed Islam has solutions for all problems. A wife may ask for seperation through Khul' or Fashk which is either she ask for divorce and he accepts it (khul') or the judge annul the contract without the approval of the husband if he refuses and the reasons are valid. If you want more info, please text on 00971 50 3402062 as what's app where Imam Ayaz may answer more in detail to know more about the situation. Shukran