Friday 17 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 20 September 2024
My non-Muslim mother is deliberately going out of her way to make it difficult for me to perform my religious duties on a daily basis. She was very joyful when she learned that I am no longer healthy enough to fast. And now she assumes that Ramadan is over for me. She insults me, she goes out of way to cause fitnah in the home for me. I do not know what I can do about this. I do not have money to leave the home. I live too far away from a Masjid to spend time there. What can I do?

1) Approach her in a way that will open her mind towards the guidance which you have undertaken, alhamdoulillah

2) Your husband will have to advice his mother to keep it calm and do not interfere.

3) you'll have to be patient as this is the key of your happiness in this world and the next - be patient until Allah opens a way for you - all the prophets has gone through what you are going now - none of them lost hope but were patient and Allah opened their way -

4) look for good sisters to be around with who can support you or assist you in any situation arises -

5) make lots of du'a that Allah help you during this time and remove you to a better place in shaa Allah. Allah is aware of your situation, raise your hand and ask and He shall respond.