Friday 17 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 20 September 2024
Salaam halaikum, I'm a mother of five and my partner is a muslim and he is the father of our youngest three 4,2 and 1 years old. I'm a stay at home mom and have been pregnant 3 time in four, changing nappies and breastfeeding for four years now. I have no social life, no friends I can't even take the kids to the clinic for the immunization and haven't been for my birth control either. I cannot even go to the hospital to get my tubes tied because I have no one to mind the kids should I be admitted. I literally cannot go anywhere because I have no help. Their father is always at work and can't even make time to take us to the clinic. There's hardly any money left for clothes for myself and the kids, I never get my hair done and whatever little I get from the government I use on the kids. We cannot afford our children and I'm just so tired and angry all the time. I'm worried I could be pregnant and I do not know what to do. I know abortion is haraam but can it be forgiven.
Wa'alaykumsalaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatouh.

We do understand your situation and we do believe it is pretty hard to raise 4 kids alone.

1) Someone needs to advice your husband that he has a duty towards his family. Allah has put him on authority over you all and he needs to make sure that he takes good care of you all in regards to finance and support.

2) In regards to abortion, if the foetus is less that 40 days, then the scholars do permit to have it removed but it is preferable to keep it as it may be a blessing that you are not aware of.

3) Allah has asked us not abort child due to poverty as Allah will send them with their provisions as mentioned in Surah Al Israa.

Hence we advise you to appreciate the blessing of Allaah. Perhaps this will open the door to greater provision, both material and spiritual, and it may bring mental stability and marital harmony. If you choose the other option, that should be after paying istikhaarah and asking Allaah for guidance, because no one knows where goodness lies.

4) The door of repentance is opened and Allah forgives everyone who are sincere in their repentance.

Allah knows best ...