Friday 17 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 20 September 2024
Salamalaykum warahmatullah ustadh I will be launching my business as a Professional Life-Coach for Muslim Women Bi'idnillah. I'm currently in training for the certification program as well as creating my training prog simultaneously. I have few Qs as below 1. What kind of meditation can be practiced for personal development? If it it can be practiced at all? Some scholars say if there is no bidah or shirk involved then it's fine. If yes, can I have specific terms to look for to avoid them? 2. What is muraqabah. The explanation I got is its meditation. And prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam practiced it in the form of dhikr & reflecting. Is it true? 3. What kind of acceptable meditation can I include in my practice? 4. Is visualization allowed in Islam? I know the part that involves shirk & bidah is not but how do I know what's the allowed form and the haram in visualization ? 5. What's Islam's take on hypnotherapy for healing? I'm once again aware the use of jinn & other elements are not allowed, but the hypnotherapy that is practiced while the client is awake & without the use of haram, that can heal the person from self-sabotage or confidence or whatever limiting belief he/she has. And where do I draw the line? Last, I would like to ask if you could do a short video on the above, not more than 5 mins, for my private training group for the sisters educating them on these topics? It will be a pre-recorded session provided free of charge. If you're open to do workshops on Islamic entrepreneurship for women, mainly on the halal/haram, personal & professional development in the light of Quran & Sunnah, then please revert & we can take it up from there Bi'idnillah. JazzakAllah khair for your time & patience.
Wa'alaykumsalaam Wa Rahmatullah.

Can you please contact me on my e-mail
