Thursday 16 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 19 September 2024
Making Parents Weep
Ibn ‘Umar (ra) said ; “ Making parents weep is part of (their) disobedience and one of the major sin.” 
The Supplication Of parents
Abu Hurayrah said  ; The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  said, “ Three supplications are answered without doubt; the supplication of someone who is oppressed, the supplication of someone on a journey and the supplication of the parents against their children.”
Abu Hurayrah said; The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  said, “No human child has ever spoken in the cradle except for ‘Isa bin Maryam (Jesus), peace and blessings be upon him, and the associate of Jurayj.’ The Prophet of Allah (saw) was asked, ‘ who was the associate of Jurayj?’ The Prophet (saw) said, ‘ Jurayj was a monk who lived alone in his hermitage. There was a cow-herd who used to take shelter at the foot of his hermitage, and a woman from the village used to come to the cow-herd.
‘One day, Jurayj’s mother came and called, “Jurayj” while he was praying. He asked himself, ‘My mother or my prayer?’ He thought that he should prefer the prayer. She shouted to him a second time and he asked himself, ‘My mother or my prayer?’ He thought that he should prefer the prayer. She shouted a third time and again asked himself, ‘My mother or my prayer?’ He thought that he should prefer his prayer. When he did not answer her, she said “ Jurayj, May Allah not let you die until you have looked in the face of the harlots. ” Then she left.
‘ Then the village women was brought to the King after she had given birth to a child. He asked, ‘ Whose is it?’ She replied, ‘Jurayj’s.’ He asked, ‘ The man in the heritage?’ She replied ‘Yes’. He ordered , ‘ Destroy his hermitage and fetch him to me.’ His hermitage was hacked down with axes until it collapsed. Jurayj’s hand was bound to his neck with a rope and he was dragged along and paraded through the district of the harlots. He saw them and smiled. They were staring at him along with the other people. ‘ The King said, ‘ (Do you know) what this woman claims?’ He asked, “ What does she claim?’ He said, ‘ She claims that you are the father of her child.’ He asked her, ‘ Is this what you  claim?’ ‘Yes’, she replied. Then he asked “Where is the child ?’ They replied, ‘ It is the one who is in her lap.’ He turned to the child and asked, ‘ Who is your father?’ He said, ‘ The cow-herd.’ The king said ‘ Shall we build your hermitage in gold’ He replied, ‘No’. He asked, ‘Of silver?’ He answered, ‘No’. The king asked, ‘Then of what shall we make it?’ He said, ‘Put it back the way it was.’ The king then asked, ‘ What made you smile?’ He said ‘ Something that I knew. My mother’s supplication overtook me.’ The he told him about it.”
Dutifulness towards Parents after their Death. 
Abu Usayd said; ‘ We were with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ when a man asked, ‘ Messenger of Allah, is there any act of dutifulness which I can do for my parents after their death?’ He replied, ‘ Yes, There are 4 ways; making supplication for them, asking forgiveness for them, fulfilling their pledges, being respectful to their friends, and maintaining all such ties of relationship which you have inherited through them.”
Abu Hurayrah said; ‘ The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, ‘ When a person dies, all his actions come to an end with the exception of three things; a Sadaqah Jaria ( a charity which continues to benefit), knowledge that benefits, or a righteous child who makes supplication for him.”
All these ahadtih were compiled by Imam Al-Bukhari.
May Allah helps us in obeying our parents and forget not that Paradise lies under the feet of mothers. The word ‘Uff’ shall never be uttered. Controlling our tongue and anger will INSHALLAH help us in abstaining from disobeying our parents.

Written by Br. Ayaz Housee in 2003


Posted on 13th February 2020