Thursday 16 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 19 September 2024
Kind Treatment Towards Orphans, Girls,
The Poor And The Humble Persons.
Allah the Exalted says; “ And lower your wings for the believers (be polite to the fellow believers).” (15;88)
“ And keep yourself (O Muhammad ) patiently with those who call on their Lord morning and afternoon, seeking His Face, and let not your eyes overlook them, desiring the display and glitter of the life of the world.” (18;28)
  “ Therefore treat not the orphan with cruelty. And drive away not the beggar.” (93;9,10) 
“ Have you seen him who denies the reward? That is he who drives away the orphan away (harshly). And urges not the feeding of Al-Miskin (the poor). “ (107;1-3)
Narrated Sahl bin Sa’d (ra); Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said, “ I will be like this in Paradise with the person who takes care of an orphan.” Allah’s Messenger ﷺ raised his forefinger and middle finger by way of figure. [Al-Bukhari]
It will be indeed a great honor to be close to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in Paradise. This honor will be given to those who are kind to the orphans.
Narrated Abu Hurairah (ra); Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said, “ A Miskin (poor) is not the one who goes round begging from people and who can be turned away with a morsel or two, or a date-fruit or two. A true Miskin is he who does not find enough to suffice him, and does not disclose his poverty so that he might be given alms, and does not stand up to beg.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Beggars who go from door to door for begging are, in fact, not poor because they accumulate a lot of wealth through small amounts which they collect every day. The real indigent, needy and poor are those who are not well-to-do but their appearance and dress hide their poverty.
Narrated Aisha (ra); “ A woman came to me with her two daughters. She asked (for charity) but she found nothing with me except one date-fruit, so I gave it to her. She accepted it and then divided it between her two daughters and herself ate nothing out of that. She then got up and went out. When Allah’s Messenger ﷺ came in, and I narrated to him the story, he (saw) said; “ He who is involved  (in the responsibility) of (bringing up) daughters, and he accords kind treatment towards them, they would become protection for him against the hell-Fire.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
This hadith tells us about the great merit and reward of kind treatment with daughters.
Narrated Abu Hurairah ; Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said, “ The worst food is the food of the marriage banquet from which those who are left out would like to come; and to which those are invited who refuse to come and he who rejects an invitation disobeys Allah and His Messenger.” [Muslim]
Narrated Abu Shuraih Khuwalid bin ‘Amr Al-Khuza’i (ra); “ Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said, “ O Allah, I declare sacred the rights of two weak ones; the orphans and women.” [An-Nasa’i]
The poor are generally treated cruelly. Women and orphans are regular victims of this cruelty. In some cases, their properties are taken away and are maltreated. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has threatened those who act cruelly with terrible consequences to prevent the Muslims from committing such extremes and cruelties.

Writte by Br. Ayaz Housee - 2003
Posted on 13th February 2020