Thursday 16 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 19 September 2024
Part of fitrah (natural inclinations of mankind which conform to religion) is that the men should preserve the masculinity which Allah has created in them. Men’s resemblance to women and vice versa is something which goes against man’s innate nature.  The ruling in Sharee’ah (Islamic Law) is that when it is stated that the person who does a thing is cursed, that thing is haram (forbidden) . Ibn Abbas (ra) reported that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  said; “ Allah has cursed the men who make themselves look like a women and the women who make themselves look like men. [ Al-Bukhari] 
In another narration, Ibn Abbas (ra) reported to have said that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  said; “ Allah has cursed effeminate men and masculine women.” [ Bukhari]
Similarly, the two sexes are not permitted to resemble each other in dress or by wearing anything that is specifically for the other sex. So, a man is not permitted to wear necklaces, bracelets, anklets or earring, etc . . . some scholars claims that men having a clean shaved face without valid reason is a resemblance of women knowing that the Prophet ﷺ ordered to leave the beard grow.
The evidence that the two sexes should not resemble each other in dress is found in the hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurairah (ra); “ Allah has cursed the man who wears women’s clothes and the women who wears men’s clothes.” [Abu Dawood] 
As nowadays we can see that people are falling into the trap of Shaitaan which is called Transgender. This is a major sins and these hadeeth apply to people who change the creation of Allah. 
 Allah knows best

Writte by Br. Ayaz Housee - 2003
Posted on 13th February 2020