Thursday 16 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 19 September 2024
‘Id Prayers
The Prayers of the two ‘Id was prescribed in the first year after the migration. It is Sunnah mu’akkadah (Recommended sunnah) as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) always performed these prayers and he ordered the men and women to go out to attend them.
Preparing for the two ‘Id ; It is preferred to make ghusl, perfume one’s self and do one’s best outfits in the occasion of the two ‘ids. Ja’far in-Muhammad relates from his father on the authority of his grandfather who reported that the Muhammad (peace be upon him) would wear a Yemeni cloak on every ‘id. This is related by ash-Shafi’ and al-Baghawi.
Eating on the two ‘Ids ;For id-ul-fitr, it is a sunnah to eat odd number of dates before going to pray salaat-ul-‘id while for ‘id-ul-adha, the eating should be delayed until one returns from the ‘id prayers and then he may eat off his sacrifice if he has sacrificed an animal.
Going out to the musalla (place of prayer) ; Salaat-ul-‘id can be performed in the mosque but it is preferred to perform it in a place outside the city as long as there is no excuse or reason to do otherwise as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)  would pray the two ‘ids in the outskirts of Madinah and he never prayed it in his mosque, except  once and because it was raining.
Women  and children going out to attend ‘Id Prayer; Shari’ah requires women and children to go out and attend the Salat-ul-‘idain. Ibn ‘Abbas says that Muhammad (peace be upon him)  would take his wives and daughters  to the two ‘Ids. (Ibn Majah and Al-Baihaqi).  Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) further reports; “ I went out with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)  on the day of breaking the fast or of the sacrifice, and he prayed and gave a Khutbah (sermon) and then went to the women and admonished them, reminded them of Allah, and ordered them to give charity.[Bukhari]
Taking different routes to and from musalla; Most of the people of knowledge are of the opinion that it is preferred for a person to go to the masjid by one route and then to return home through another route, regardless of whether he be the imam or a member of the congretion. Jabir reports; “ On the days of ‘Id, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) would take different routes.” {Bukhari} It is permissible to return through the same route by which one goes to the musulla.
The time of ‘Id  prayers; The time of ‘Id prayer begins from the time the sun is three meters above the horizon until the sun reaches its meridian.
The Adhan and Iqaamah for salat-ul-Id; Ibn al Qayyim writes; “ When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) went to the musalla, he would perform the salaah without any Adhan or Iqaamah and without saying ‘as-salatu jami’ah’. The Sunnah is not to do any of that.”
The Takbir during salaat-ul-‘idain ; Abu Dawud and Ad-Daraqutni report that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said; “ The takbirat during the [‘id ] breaking of the fast are seven in the first raka’ah and five in second, and the Quranic recital comes after them in both the raka’at” This is the strongest opinion and it is the opinion of the majority of the people of knowledge from among the companions, the successors, and the imams.
As the pause between the takbirat, it is said that the Prophet (peace be upon him)  would be silent for a short period of time between the takbirat, and nothing has been related from him concerning exactly what he said during that pause; however at-Tabarani and al-Baihaqi relate , with a strong chain that ‘Ibn Mas’ood would praise and exalt Allah, The Exalted , and make prayers upon the Prophet (peace be upon him)  during intervals.
Prayer before or after the Salaat-ul-‘Id; ‘Ibn Abbas reports; “ The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him)  went out to the site of the ‘id prayer and prayed two raka’at [‘id prayer] without praying anything before or after it. “This is related by a group.
Al-Bukhari reports that Ibn ‘Abbas disliked that one should perform a prayer before salat-ul-‘id.
Making up a missed ‘Id prayer; In Sahih al-Bukhari, we find in the chapter entitled;    “ If one missed salat-ul-‘Id, he may pray two raka’at and the same is the case for the women  or people in their houses or in the countryside. This is based on the Prophet Muhammad (saw) words; ‘ O Muslims, this is our festival’”.
The Khutbah of salat-ul-‘Id: The Khutbah of Salat-ul-‘Id is a sunnah and so is listening to it.
Takbirah during the days of ‘Id: it is sunnah to pronounce the takbirat on ‘id days. Concerning the ‘Id of breaking the fast, Allah says “You should complete the prescribed period and that you should glorify Allah [i.e., say takbirat] for having guided you and that you may give thanks. ( Quran 2;185).
Concerning the ‘Id of the sacrifice, Allah says; “ that you may remember Allah during the well known days.”(Quran 2;203)  And ; “ He has made them subject to you that you may glorify Allah for His guidance to you.” (Quran 22;37)
May Allah shower His Mercy upon us all and accepts our ‘Ibaadah during such blessed month.  
 Written by Br. Ayaz Housee -2003
Posted on 13th February 2020