Tuesday 14 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 17 September 2024
Asalamualikum Sheikh, So I was praying Taraweeh in the masjid but I missed the first ra'akah of my 4 fard of Esha prayer. I didn't have enough time to catch up my first ra'akah as tarweeh started and was going a bit fast, so I joined with taraweeh. I prayed witr along with taraweeh then I came home and prayed 4 fard to make up. Kindly guide me on this.

What you did was not right - you were supposed to join in with the Taraweeh with the intention of Fardh - Once the Imam finishes his two raka'ah, then you stand up and replace two more rakaah - this is the completion of your fardh of Esha.

Then you start your Taraweeh and pray as much as you can with the Imam and conclude it with Witr.

Allah knows best