Tuesday 14 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1446 - 17 September 2024
Assalamwalekum, please read the whole question carefully i am in very much need of proper guidance, I am unmarried my question is about spotting red blood flakes while urinating only before periods does it invalidates my prayers and fasting, I have been on a medication for cysts in my ovary so earlier month also I had spotting and then my periods started and this spotting continued and was stopped after the medicine were prescribed but now my medicine course days have been completed and I may be expected to have my periods for this month in 2-3 days but before that I am spotting red blood only while urination else where there is no spotting on my clothes...I am confused shall I continue with my fasts and prayers as it Ramadan your answer would help me alot can you please tell what to do in this matter according to the HanafiSunni way. JazakAllah
Wa'alaykumsalaam wa rahmatullah

Any spottings before the usual period time should be examine in the sense of their smell, color and texture (thickness etc).

Scholars mentioned that if it is accompanied with cramp and pain, then take it as menses, if there is no cramp and pain and it is not during your usual menses time, then take it as istihaadah (false blood) and carry on your Ibaadah until you see blood flow.

Allah knows best